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How to Create a Website (the EASY way)

Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners (Updated Aug 2024)

Hi, I'm Ray. I created this website in 2014 to help non-technical, average people create their own website, without learning coding or hiring a programmer. (Just so you know, I still can't write a line of code today.)

Back then, my original guide was built on a different platform (Wordpress). In fact, I have moved this entire website to the platform that I'll show you below (Brizy).

With the evolution of better tools and technology, I now recommend this page for the majority of people, as it's MUCH easier to set up and maintain.

By following the steps on this page, you'll have a working website within the next few mins.

Deciding between Brizy Cloud vs Wordpress


  1. Create Websites - Brizy Cloud: My recommendation for majority of newbies creating basic websites and blogs is go with Brizy Cloud as it's just so easy.
  2. Start a Blog - Wordpress: If you are looking to start a blog for the long term, my recommendation is to go with Wordpress - because despite some of the technical challenges, Wordpress is the best blogging platform right now, and you can follow my Wordpress Website guide on the details.
  3. Build an Online Store: If your main aim is to create an Ecommerce store, it'll probably make sense to do so on Shopify instead as it has all the Ecommerce specific tools and add-ons you may require. (Online Store Guide)

Table of Contents

The best way to make use of this guide is to click on the sections below which will navigate you to each areas, then come back here for more.

Prefer to follow through a video instead? Watch this here.

Step #1 - Sign up for a Brizy Free Account

Step #2 - Start Creating Content

The basic structure of Brizy can be understood via:

  1. Layouts - layouts are prebuilt pages that are themed consistently for various website designs (e.g. Business, Food, Health & Beauty) that Brizy has created, to help you get started in the shortest possible time. These have been professionally designed, and require very little time on your part. Everything is editable.
  2. Blocks - Blocks are building blocks within a page. Think of them as sections within your webpage. The great thing about Brizy blocks is that they are really pre-built, provide inspiration and much easier to get started.

1) Create Pages with Blocks

2) Create Entire Websites with Layouts

The fastest way you can create entire websites with Brizy is via "layouts".

Instead of adding a block, select the layout tab.

You can scroll through all the layouts available, or filter by category.

Most layouts are Pro features, which you will need to upgrade, but it's totally worth it, as it allows you access to Pro features, Headers and Footers, Pop Ups and integrations, hosting and more.

To use the Pro layout, click on "Get Brizy PRO".

You can scroll through the layout pack to see the beautifully created pre-built pages that you can use once you have upgraded.

I have since upgraded to Brizy Pro and I can make use of these layouts.

Select the page. Make sure to click "Replace global styling" so all the fonts, colors that you see in the example will carry over to your website.

Then click "Import This Layout".

Just like that, the layout for that page is imported.

You can easily make edits to any part of the page as well.

I can easily add additional pages thereafter.

I chose the same layout pack, and selected the About page this time.

Once again, I can edit text on the page easily.

I can also replace images on the page easily, rearrange blocks, delete blocks or elements as I like.

Step #3: Decide and Purchase a Domain Name

Search for a domain to see what's available.

You can only purchase what's not already taken by others. Click "Add to cart".

Click "Checkout".

Confirm your order.

The great thing about Namecheap is they provide "WhoisGuard" (or Domain privacy) for free. Other registrars may even charge you a fee.

Create a Namecheap account to check out.

Once you have purchased your domain, you should see it in your Namecheap account.

To manage your domain, select "Manage".

Select "Advanced DNS".

This is where you create an "A" Record and a "CNAME" Record to connect your domain name.

Don't worry, it's quite easy to do so.

For now, we'll revert back to Brizy. But keep your Namecheap window open as well.

Step #4: Publish Your Website to Your Domain

It may take couple of hours for records to be updated. In my experience, however, it can be as quick as 5 mins.

Step #5: Create Additional Pages

Step #6: Upgrade to Brizy Pro (it's worth it)

That's It - You Have a Working Website!

With the steps above, you will get your website up in no time!

To make it easier to follow through, you can watch the Video walkthrough of the guide instead.

Have fun!

Everything else from here is a bonus, but check them out for additional helpful tips!

Selling Products on Your Website

Creating Pop Ups in Brizy Cloud

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Some of the links to this page provides a small commission to me, at no extra cost to you! The tools I recommend here are tools that I've personally used and tested, and came to embrace after a lot of trial and error. This helps contribute to maintaining this site and sharing this guide. If you do end up using them, thank you for supporting this site, but no worries otherwise if you don't!

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